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Blue Diamonds: A Unique and Exotic Choice for Fine Jewelry

Introduction To Blue Diamonds 

Blue diamonds are a rare and highly prized type of diamond, known for their stunning blue color. These diamonds are formed deep within the earth under extreme heat and pressure, and their color is caused by the presence of trace elements such as boron. Blue diamonds are some of the most valuable diamonds in the world, and they have a long and fascinating history. 

History of blue Diamonds

Blue diamonds have a rich and fascinating history dating back hundreds of years. The first known blue diamond was the “Hope Diamond,” which was discovered in India in the 17th century. This 45.52-carat diamond was believed to be cursed and passed through the hands of several owners before being donated to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where it is now on display.

Other famous blue diamonds throughout history include the “Blue Moon Diamond,” a 12.03-carat diamond that was discovered in South Africa in 2014 and sold for a record-breaking $48.4 million at auction. Another well-known blue diamond is the “Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond,” a 31.06-carat diamond with a rich history dating back to the 17th century. This diamond was cut and set in a new ring in 2008 and was sold at auction for $24.3 million.

Blue diamonds have also been featured in literature and popular culture, including in the novels “The Great Gatsby” and “Anna Karenina,” and in the films “Titanic” and “Blood Diamond.” These rare and valuable diamonds have captured the imaginations of people for centuries, and their beauty and allure continue to be admired today.

The science behind blue diamonds

The blue color of diamonds is caused by the presence of trace elements such as boron, which is found in very small amounts within the diamond’s crystal structure. When light passes through a blue diamond, it is absorbed by the boron atoms and re-emitted as blue light. The more boron present in the diamond, the deeper and more intense the blue color will be.

Blue diamonds are formed deep within the earth under extreme heat and pressure, just like other diamonds. However, the presence of trace elements such as boron gives blue diamonds their unique color. It is believed that the boron is incorporated into the diamond crystal structure during the diamond’s formation process, which takes place at depths of around 100 miles below the earth’s surface.

Blue diamonds are extremely rare, and it is estimated that only about 0.1% of all diamonds are naturally blue. This rarity, combined with their stunning color and beauty, makes blue diamonds some of the most valuable diamonds in the world.

The Most Famous Blue Diamonds

There have been many famous blue diamonds throughout history, but some of the most well-known include:

  1. The Hope Diamond: This 45.52-carat blue diamond is the most famous blue diamond in the world. It was discovered in India in the 17th century and has passed through the hands of several owners, including King Louis XIV of France. The Hope Diamond is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
  2. The Blue Moon Diamond: This 12.03-carat blue diamond was discovered in South Africa in 2014 and sold for a record-breaking $48.4 million at auction. It is the largest fancy vivid blue diamond ever to be graded by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
  1. The Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond: This 31.06-carat blue diamond has a rich history dating back to the 17th century. It was cut and set in a new ring in 2008 and sold at auction for $24.3 million.
  2. The Sultan Abdul Hamid II Diamond: This 29.62-carat blue diamond was once owned by the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II and is now on display at the Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul, Turkey.
  3. The Cornflower Blue Diamond: This 7.03-carat blue diamond was discovered in South Africa in 2014 and sold for $9.5 million at auction. It is known for its vivid cornflower blue color and is considered one of the most beautiful blue diamonds ever discovered.

How to Buy a Blue Diamond

If you are interested in buying a blue diamond, there are several factors you should consider before making a purchase:

  1. Certification: Make sure that the diamond you are considering has been certified by a reputable organization such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). This will ensure that you are getting a high-quality diamond that has been accurately graded for color, clarity, and other important characteristics.
  2. Color: Look for a diamond with a rich, intense blue color. The deeper and more vivid the blue color, the more valuable the diamond will be.
  3. Clarity: Look for a diamond with a high clarity grade, as this will ensure that the diamond is free of blemishes and inclusions that could affect its beauty and value.
  4. Cut: Choose a diamond with a well-cut, symmetrical shape that maximizes the diamond’s sparkle and brilliance.
  5. Reputation: Make sure to buy from a reputable dealer or jeweler who has a good track record and a reputation for selling high-quality diamonds. This will ensure that you are getting good value for your money.

Frequently asked questions about Blue Diamonds

Here are some common questions about blue diamonds:

How rare are blue diamonds?

Blue diamonds are extremely rare, and it is estimated that only about 0.1% of all diamonds are naturally blue. This rarity, combined with their stunning color and beauty, makes them some of the most valuable diamonds in the world.

How do blue diamonds get their color?

The blue color of diamonds is caused by the presence of trace elements such as boron, which is found in very small amounts within the diamond’s crystal structure. When light passes through a blue diamond, it is absorbed by the boron atoms and re-emitted as blue light.

What are the most famous blue diamonds?

Some of the most famous blue diamonds include the Hope Diamond, the Blue Moon Diamond, the Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond, the Sultan Abdul Hamid II Diamond, and the Cornflower Blue Diamond.

How do I buy a blue diamond?

When buying a blue diamond, it is important to consider factors such as certification, color, clarity, cut, and reputation. Make sure to buy from a reputable dealer or jeweler who has a good track record and a reputation for selling high-quality diamonds.

Are blue diamonds more valuable than other diamonds?

Blue diamonds are generally more valuable than other diamonds due to their rarity and unique color. However, the value of a blue diamond can also be influenced by other factors such as its size, clarity, cut, and overall quality.

Are all blue diamonds natural?

Not all blue diamonds are natural. Some blue diamonds are treated with radiation or other methods to enhance their color. It is important to be aware of this when shopping for a blue diamond, as treated diamonds may be less valuable than natural diamonds.

How can I tell if a blue diamond is natural or treated?

One way to determine if a blue diamond is natural or treated is to look for a certification from a reputable organization such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). The GIA will note in its certification if a blue diamond has been treated in any way. You can also ask the seller about the diamond’s history and how it was treated, if at all.

Are blue diamonds more fragile than other diamonds?

Blue diamonds are no more fragile than other diamonds. Diamonds are the hardest known natural material and are highly resistant to scratching, chipping, and breaking. However, like any other piece of fine jewelry, blue diamonds should be handled with care to avoid accidental damage.

Can blue diamonds be worn every day?

Blue diamonds can be worn every day, as long as they are treated with care. It is a good idea to remove your blue diamond jewelry when doing activities that could potentially damage the diamond, such as heavy lifting or cleaning.

How do I care for a blue diamond?

To care for a blue diamond, it is important to keep it clean and store it properly when it is not being worn. Avoid exposing the diamond to harsh chemicals or cleaning agents, and use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently clean the diamond. It is also a good idea to have the diamond professionally inspected and cleaned by a jeweler at least once a year.

Diamond Education

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