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What is tourmaline?

What is tourmaline?

At first, when asked about a “gemstone”, the individual for the most part would talk about a diamond, a ruby, an emerald, or maybe even a sapphire. In any case, a normal individual won’t picture a tourmaline just in light of the fact that this delightful stone isn’t known as much as the other stones and diamonds. In addition to the fact that tourmalines are perfect, they are accessible in a wide scope of hues, hence making it reasonable for different types of jewelry. 

Tourmaline is a semi-precious gemstone that comes in a larger number of tints and shading mix than some other gemstone, remaining consistent with its name, which originates from the Sinhalese word signifying “blended.” Due to the wide scope of hues, tourmalines are frequently confused with numerous different gemstones. For example, various stones found in the Russian crown gems from the 17th century accepted to be rubies are really tourmalines. Tourmalines are glasslike boron silicate minerals that contain different components including iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, aluminum, and lithium. It is mined from a few locations around the world. 

What color is a tourmaline?

This marvelous birthstone of October is found in colors extending from colorless to dark and from numerous shades from pastels to profound tones. As more than one color can be found in a solitary stone, this gem is genuinely amazing and worth this price. There are a few known tourmaline assortments. These incorporate rubellite, indicolite, chrome, bi-color, watermelon, canary, Paraiba, and color change tourmaline. Rubellite shifts from medium red to dark red and is comparable in color to a ruby. Like a ruby, it is very uncommon and among the rarest types of tourmaline. Indicolite, the dark blue to a pale blue-green sort of tourmaline, is another uncommon type of tourmaline. Chrome tourmaline is green, however not the same as the standard green tourmaline. Bi-color tourmalines are those that comprise a few colors. 

There are numerous credible color combinations found in tourmalines. Watermelon tourmalines, similar to their names, are stones with green skin and a red center. At the point when cutting into a slice, the stone looks like an astonishing watermelon piece. A canary tourmaline is a brilliant yellow stone that begins from Malawi. Paraibias are uncommon blue-green tourmalines that contain copper. They are normally found in exceptionally little sizes and request significant expenses. Feline’s eye tourmalines are frequently found in green. Color change stones are tourmalines that change from green to red in brilliant light. Somewhat blue dark to dark tourmalines is a consequence of the iron present inside the stone though stones with magnesium will in general be anyplace from yellow to brown. 

Tourmalines with significant levels of lithium can be for all intents and purposes of any color, including pink, red, yellow, green, and blue. An uncommon and somewhat looked for after sort of tourmaline is the “watermelon tourmaline,” named for the novel normal mix of three colors, pink, white, and green, which show up in rings simply like a watermelon. Stones with extremely clear fringes between the colors request particularly powerful costs.

Where are tourmalines found?

This beautiful stone, which is one of October’s birthstones, is discovered all around the world. Key deposits are located in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma (presently Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Russia, the United States, just as areas all through Africa. 

It is a perfect stone to level up your gems collection or adornments assortment without making an excessive harm to your bank account.

What is black tourmaline?

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There are numerous shades of tourmaline, however, none of them holds the defensive forces present in the black tourmaline. Shaped where hot waters and minerals travel through pockets of the earth, this stone is profoundly enhanced with iron and manganese, the two of its main ingredients. Without the delight of being beautifully grounded, we may end up feeling lost, unfastened, unmotivated, and detached to any more profound feeling of self. It’s likewise critical to feeling secure, and this again is the place when black tourmaline comes in. 

One of the most celebrated advantages of the black tourmaline stone is its powerful defensive properties. This is a stone so knowledgeable at keeping you free from toxic energies, that you can step out without concern. In the case of managing a portion of cynicism from someone else, or hindering EMF’s and worrying natural elements, putting on a black tourmaline is much the same as continually conveying a shield which can’t resist the opportunity to include a column of positive vitality each time you step out. 

Black tourmaline has a lot of physical advantages. Helping course, diminishing the negative effects of lung issues, boosting metabolism, and eliminating muscle aches and agonies are a handful of things that a black tourmaline can do. PCs, telephones, TVs – these all emit a harmful smog that can cause trouble in the individuals who are inclined to EMF sensitivity. Luckily, black tourmaline can leave EMF speechless, framing a defensive hindrance and absorbing the harmful cloud of smog.  

How to know whether my tourmaline is real or fake?

One of the most flexible gemstones, tourmaline arrives in a wide range of hues. It likewise has a noteworthy hardness, scoring somewhere in the range of 7 and 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. It is additionally the national gemstone of the United States as it has been dug there for quite a long time. Today, the best pieces of tourmaline are found in Brazil. It’s pleochroic i.e. it shows an alternate shade upon its cutting from any angle. This likewise implies you can see an alternate shade or hue upon the edge you make a cut (vertical or level). 

Simple tests 

To begin with, take a look at its cost. This will tell you most of the things about that tourmaline as they have a standard cost and gem dealers won’t sell it for anything less than that. Aside from this, there are different ways you can check for its legitimacy. 

Point a magnifying glass towards the gemstone. Tourmaline quite often has a few inclusions. There may even be little air pockets with water bubbles inside the pearl. These “bubbles” are not completely round. Glass likewise has bubbles yet they are made of air and are totally round. On the off chance that there are no inclusions, it’s most likely not a true tourmaline. Likewise, search for the obvious pleochroism. Take a look at your stone from each heading, there ought to be a slight change in shading relying upon the survey point. At last, try the scratch test. A sharp needle ought to be sufficient to scratch glass or hard plastic, however, not tourmaline. It is a hard stone and won’t scratch without any problem. 

Lab tests 

At the point when you send your stone to get checked by experts in a laboratory, they will do various tests. The most well-known tests are the refractive index (RI) test and the particular gravity test. Gravity test is one of a kind method to quantify the density of the stone by drenching the stone in a lot of fluids. Since all stones fall on a scale and here and there cover, various tests will give an unmistakable outcome. The RI of the tourmaline is somewhere in the range of 1.614 and 1.666. Numerous stones fall in this range so frequently the density test is essential. Its particular gravity is somewhere in the range of 3.02 and 3.26. This takes out different gems with a comparable RI and along these lines, Tourmaline is recognized.

What is the cost of a tourmaline?

Each color of tourmaline has its own price tag, depending on the rarity of that color. For example, Paraiba tourmaline, a major Brazil’s neon-blue gem, is the most expensive one with its price well over above $1,000 per carat. Pink and red tourmaline’s price tag goes for about $500 per carat. Green, yellow, and pale-colored tourmaline’s price lies somewhere between $60 and $100 per carat.


1. What is the cost of tourmaline per carat?

Answer: Tourmaline costs depend on their colors. For example, the neon-green variant costs about $1,000 per carat, the pale-colored, green, and yellow one’s price falls between $60-$100 per carat, and pink and red tourmaline costs around $500 per carat.

2. Why is tourmaline so expensive?

Answer: As tourmaline is found only at a few locations across the globe, they have their prices so high.

3. What are the benefits of tourmaline?

Answer: Tourmaline has many physical and emotional benefits. A few of them include boosting the metabolism, diminishing the negative energies, etc.

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